To withdraw to your E-wallet, you can follow the below steps:
- Go to your wallet on the Thndr app and click on transfer (↑)
- Click on E-wallet
- Enter your E-wallet number
- We will send you an SMS to verify your number
- You will be able to see the balance available to withdraw* from your account and you will then be able to enter the amount you would like to withdraw.
*Your wallet and steps to withdraw are still the same. We only sped up the process for your convenience.
*If you withdraw before 12PM, The amount will be transferred to your E-wallet on the same day.
*If you withdraw after 12PM, The amount will be transferred to your E-wallet the next working day.
*You will only be able to withdraw settled cash. Most stocks require 2 trading sessions to settle. Some stocks require up to 5 trading sessions after a sell order for cash to be settled & available to withdraw.
A flat fee of 5EGP is applied to any wallet withdrawal.