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EGX Market Segmentation

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EGX Market Segmentation

The Egyptian Stock Exchange announced a restructure of its markets and the standardization of listing standards with specialized activity lists effective Sunday, February 25th 2024.


What are the changes?


The market will now be divided into 4 segments


1. High activity market: Which includes stocks listed in the EGX100 index

You will be able to trade all EGX 100 listed companies within the same session as buying them (T+0)* 


Click here for the updated list


Price limit: 20%


2. Moderate activity market: Includes stocks that are not listed in the EGX100 index and not listed in the inactive market. 


You will be able to trade all Moderate activity market listed companies within the same session as buying them (T+0)* 


Click here for the updated list

Price limit
: 20%


3. Low activity market: Includes stocks of companies under liquidation, high-risk stocks with high debt levels and price volatility, and securities of companies violating listing rules. 

You will 
not be able to trade any stock listed in the Low activity market within the same session as buying them (T+0)* 


Click here for the updated list

Price limit
: 5%


4. SMEs market: Divided into two indexes; the “Tamayuz” index and the “Nile” index 


Price limit: 10%


  • “Tamayuz” index: comprising securities meeting index criteria, You will be able to trade all “Tamayuz” listed companies within the same session as buying them (T+0)* 


Click here for the updated list


  • “Nile” index: comprising other securities in the SMEs market, You will not be able to trade all “Nile” listed companies within the same session as buying them (T+0)*


Click here for the updated list


*Access to T+0 is exclusive to Egypt Express subscribers. For more information on subscriptions click here.



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