Thndr Blog

First Day of Trading: What do I need to know?

You just entered the ACTF IPO, and you’re eagerly waiting for that first day of trading to see how the stock performs. You’re not sure what to expect, will the stock go up or down? 

Opening Price: The Big Reveal

We know the first day of trading for any stock can be a bit of a roller coaster, that’s why we’re here to help you navigate this day with ease.

Let’s dive into what you need to know about the first day of trading, price limits, and how to make smart moves.

Picture yourself at a movie theater, where the ticket price is set. In the world of IPOs, the opening price is similar, but instead of a movie, we’re talking about ACTF’s stock debut. For this IPO, the opening price is set at 2.9, not just any random number but a carefully calculated starting point.

From here, it’s up to the market to decide where the value goes, making this the official starting line for ACTF’s adventure! Think of it as an auction where buyers and sellers shout out their bids and offers until they meet at a price both can agree on

Higher Price Limits on the First Day of Trading: What Does That Mean?

Normally, stocks have price limits to keep things from getting too wild. These limits usually cap how much a stock price can move up or down in a single day, typically around 20% of the previous closing price. But on the first day of trading for ACTF , these limits are slightly increased to be 40%. This means the price can swing much more freely.

For example, the ACTF stock is priced at EGP 2.9. Under normal circumstances, the highest it could go in one day would be EGP 3.48 (20% above EGP 2.9). But with higher price limits, the price could soar to EGP 4.06 or drop to EGP 1.74 within minutes! This creates a lot of volatility, meaning prices can change rapidly and unpredictably.

Can I Buy or Sell my Shares on the First Day?

As you know we have 2 options for buying and selling, either you put in a market order or a limit order, lets recap them quickly:

Market Orders: Think of market orders as the “I’ll take it now!” option. You place an order, and it gets executed at the best available price at that moment. It’s fast and straightforward—great if you want to get in or out of a stock quickly. But here’s the catch: you might end up paying more or getting less than you expected if the market’s moving fast.

Limit Orders: Now, if you want more control,  you’ll love limit orders. With these, you set the max price you’re willing to pay to buy a stock or the minimum you’ll accept to sell. It’s like saying, “I’ll buy it, but only if it’s this price or better!” or “I’ll sell, but not for less than this!” It’s a great way to make sure you stick to your plan.

What’s New for the First Day?

To keep things smooth and stress-free, we’ve made some adjustments:

No Market Buy Orders: We’re disabling market buy orders to protect you from wild price swings. We don’t want you accidentally paying way more than you planned because of some crazy fluctuation.

Yes to Market Sell Orders: We’re enabling market sell orders so you have the freedom to sell your shares at the going rate. If you’re looking to get out, you can do it quickly.

Limit Orders Are Go!: Both buy and sell limit orders are live! Set your preferred price and relax knowing your orders will only go through at the price you’re comfortable with. It’s like having a shopping list with exact prices!

Let’s show you how to place a Limit Order on Thndr

  1. You’ll go to the ACTF landing page
  2. Press on sell/buy
  3. Press on Limit order
  4. Fill in the needed information on the price you want to sell/buy on 
  5. Press “Review Order”
  6. Then you can confirm your order. 

All done!

Things to keep in mind.

  1. Monitor Closely:
    • Keep an Eye on the Market: With higher price limits, it’s crucial to watch the stock closely. Prices can move quickly, so stay informed and ready to make decisions based on the latest information.
  2. Make Educated Decisions:
    • Stay Calm and Think Clearly: Volatility can be nerve-wracking, but it’s important to stay calm. Use the data and tools available to you, do your research, and make decisions that align with your investment strategy.

The first day of trading can be both an opportunity and a challenge. By understanding how the system works and using strategies like limit orders, you can navigate this volatile environment with confidence.

If you want to know more about Act Financial and make an informed decision, visit our friends at Rumble where you will find all sorts of information and content to help you make the right decision for you. 

Happy Investing!