The idea of a modern and seamless investment solution was born out of our co-founders’ experiences with the stock market when they crossed paths working at one of Egypt’s investment banks.
Seif Amr experienced the struggles of trying to open up an investment account first hand while Ahmad Hammouda took notice of the unique investing opportunities available in Egypt inaccessible to most people.
Their vision was to transform the way investing looked like in the region, leveraging technology to affect change and work towards a more modern and inclusive system that works for everyone.
The idea of a modern and seamless investment solution was fueled by our founders’ personal struggles trying to open up an investment account and working on the sale of an investment bank back in 2016.
Their vision was to transform the way investing looked like in the region, leveraging technology to affect change and work towards a more modern and inclusive system that works for everyone.
We know that it doesn’t stop at a fully-licensed, easy to use app. We want to empower you to make financial decisions that make sense and are a good fit for you. That’s why we have:
• Thndr Learn - an educational platform that teaches everything you need to know about money.
• Thndr Claps - an easy to digest financial newsletter delivered to your inbox daily.
• Virtual Mode - A simulation of the real market to practice your investing skills risk free.